Playing rolling sky
Playing rolling sky

playing rolling sky
  1. Playing rolling sky full#
  2. Playing rolling sky pro#

I first downloaded the game in 2016, the first year it came out. These ads are usually 30 seconds long, and you can’t skip them. Sometimes when I click off the ad, it sends me to the app store (since the ads often are of App Store games), and occasionally (not often), it makes me watch another ad right after that. There are ads in nearly every conceivable point in the game, for when you crash, to simply going to a new level. With the amount of ads the game has, this game is close to unplayable. goodbye.īen_Morlan - Nearly Unplayable (new users - please read) Also one final thing, I noticed you guys haven’t updated in a while, and I see that well. Somehow I did beat 3rd birthday and 4th birthday.

Playing rolling sky pro#

I used to be a pro at the game until they added extremely hard levels I absolutely couldn’t beat. I don’t like this game anymore because they ruined it in so many ways, and let down so many people, it’s ridiculous. I also came back to this review section just to see a comment I was about to post about how much I loved this game years ago. all of the levels cost money and it seems like you guys over at cheetah aren’t doing to swell.

playing rolling sky

WHY does all of the new levels cost money? These levels used to be free! Even with the keys, i didn’t mind it. Also the fact that my favorite level, e-labyrinth, which I mastered and played all the time.m, randomly locked itself and it costed money to get it back. And I get that some of the levels were removed. I’m back here again, a while later to see that well. This was legitimately my favorite game back then. I came back to this game for a taste of nostalgia to see what has changed and well, a ton. Hello, just your average 13 year old here. Thanks if you read this person/developer(s) I don’t get why an 8 year old is writing a review on here, but ok. It is possible that it actually did happen, but something tells me they were just searching for attention. In all my years of playing this game I can confirm that never have I ever had that happen to me. He/she said they think they were being watched. It was basically about pennywise showing up on his/her screen saying things that they were doing. I have read some other reviews sorta complaining about the same things I am, but what I’m weirded out by is this one review written by an 8 year old. Just maybe remove some of the ads? Also why did you remove some levels? Now we have to buy something to play a level. It gets very annoying to the point I don’t even want to play anymore! Over all the game is so much fun. When I played around 8 years old there weren’t many ads, but now there’s an ad every time I die in the game. It was so much fun with all the music and hard levels. I remember when I was a kid I was always get on to play rolling sky. Iahekqjeualfosnekwpduaigxmelqw - Too many ads >_> Other than those two problems, great game. That's all you need to do to get this game better than geometry dash.

Playing rolling sky full#

Second, replace the unlimited balls add on purchase with a full access to every level.

playing rolling sky

1) remove the unlimited balls as an add on purchase, so the people who want to get really good at the game, but don't mind the adds can just keep practicing. One of, if not the main reason geometry dash is better than rolling sky is because you don't have to wait, or watch a video after you run out of "balls." In geometry dash, you get to play until you get bored, without having to wait for like three or four minutes to play again after losing 10 times. In the 3.99 kit, I would replace that with the unlimited balls upgrade. You make new levels all the time, which is great, but you have to watch a video, or use the keys to permanently unlock the level, which gets really annoying, because after you beat all the levels you can, there are so many more to play, but you can't play them with out watching a video. Robtop took the time to make their game have so much more gameplay.

playing rolling sky

I would say that in this category of gaming: touch sensetivity, memorization, and challenging gameplay, you are second to geometry dash, but that is only because of two things. Dobbermeister - Great game, but need a few things.

Playing rolling sky